July Teen Writers Workshops in Port Townsend

The Port Townsend Writer’s Conference will take place from July 7-21.
There are great general writing opportunities available at this
conference, but we thought some of you might know a teen who would
benefit from this program. Scholarships are available.

Teens – take your writing to the next level! 
Advanced High School Writers Studio

Port Townsend Writer’s Conference

July 7-14

In the Advanced High School Writers Studio work
with Jennine Capó Crucet each morning, then participate in the Port
Townsend Writers Conference every afternoon and evening.
 Jennine talks about “using humor to break down the wall” in this YouTube interview.
with Jennine and a cadre of fellow writers in an intensive learning
community designed to move your writing to the next level. And maybe
have a laugh or two…

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