Kirby Larson joins Highlights Foundation Whole Novel faculty

Here’s a wonderful opportunity for children’s fiction writers, as announced by Kirby Larson:

With the push toward Common Core Standards, historical fiction may
be the next “hot trend.” 
Or maybe not. 
But if you have a passion for the
genre, please consider attending the Highlights Foundation Whole Novel Workshop, with a focus on historical fiction. Faculty includes editor Tamra Tuller (a spring conference faculty member), of Chronicle Books; acquiring agent Linda Pratt of Wernick and Pratt; Tracy Barrett (whose books about Sherlock Holmes’ great-grandkids made a recent Best Mysteries for Kids’ list); and Kirby Larson, who
is just publishing her fifth novel of historical fiction. Teaching
assistants include Augusta Scattergood (Glory Be) and nonfiction writer
Nancy Castaldo.
The setting is lovely, the
food divine, and the week’s workshop provides lots of time for one-on-one
with a mentor for your novel. 
What are you waiting for? Sign up!

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