Meet the Artist #8

As part of the hoopla around our second-ever public exhibition of
illustrations by SCBWI WWA artists, Update will post a mini-profile of
each,* in completely random order, between now and the exhibit’s closure in early January. Read about
’em here, or check them ALL out online here,
or go see their work in person at the Washington State Convention
Center! You can even shake their hands on Dec. 12 at our Holiday
Gathering! (More info and registration here.)

Blanca Santander

Why did you choose to submit your particular piece of art?
For me, “Dream Big” represents all that is fun about reading––it is social, it makes you happy, it fills your mind with ideas. The trunks of the elephants make a heart. They are happy too, and love to be in the story. It is about children dreaming about growing up and having adventures.

What does being part of SCBWI mean to you?
SCBWI is important to me because I am part of a group of people who
share many of the same feelings and experiences. An artist can become
isolated in her studio, and SCBWI keeps us connected.

What is your favorite picture book from childhood?
Goodnight Moon. I remember hearing it in Spanish (Buenas Noches
). I remember my father reading to me, and I would sometimes read it
to myself. I didn’t read yet, but I knew the story. I was inspired to
make my own stories with pictures when I was just a little girl from
picture books like it. I read it many years later to my own son as he
fell asleep.

Fun fact: Blanca is originally from Peru. Learn more, and see more
images, on STQRY here.

*excluding only those lazy bones or privacy freaks who don’t answer our email questions, of course. We love them anyway.

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