Meet the artist #38

You can still
see SCBWI WWA art at the Washington State Convention Center through Jan. 8, or check out the art and artists online here.


Craig Orback

Why did you choose to submit this art?
I am excited to be illustrating a new series, Boy’s Camp (Sky Pony Press), so I thought this scene from the first book would be a quintessential camp scene to promote the book. I also love painting scenes with strong lights and darks, and drawing from my own camp memories as a kid.

What does being part of SCBWI mean to you?
I have been a member for over 10 years. It means being part of a
community of like-minded artists and authors whose audience happens to
be kids. It also means getting out of our isolated studios and being
inspired by other work.

What is your favorite picture book from childhood?
My favorite book was a great collection of classic stories called The
Golden Treasury of Children’s Literature
, with some of the best
illustrators of the past 100 years.

Fun fact: Craig is a movie fan. Learn more, and see more
images, on STQRY here.

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