You can still
see SCBWI WWA art at the Washington State Convention Center through Jan. 8, or check out the art and artists online here.
Kevin Cain
Why did you choose to submit this art?
I did this piece as a portfolio sample. It’s from Watership Down. I submitted it because it’s got bunnies, and bunnies are cute. Even when they’re lost in the woods in the dark of night and they fear for their lives, they’re still cute. Right?
What does being part of SCBWI mean to you?
Camaraderie, support, education, opportunity. One fine group of folks.
What is your favorite picture book from childhood?
I was actually a reluctant reader. One of the first picture books I
remember was Put Me in the Zoo. The illustrations grabbed me. They were
so different from Dr. Seuss, which apparently I thought all picture
books were supposed to look like. The book that kicked me over the edge,
though, was Treasure Island with N.C. Wyeth’s illustrations.
Fun fact: Kevin works in colored pencil. Learn more, and see more
images, on STQRY here.