A new ‘zine for kids about the coronavirus

As the pandemic continues to unfold, kids as well as their parents are struggling with a new normal—social distancing, wearing masks, remote learning. A 24-page illustrated ‘zine titled, “A Kids’ Guide To The Coronavirus A. K. A. The Crown Bug” offers information, hope, and answers.

This project is supported, in part, by a grant from 4Culture, Seattle/King County’s Cultural Relief Creative Response Program.

This ‘zine addresses some of the questions kids aged 6-10 are bound to be having but might not feel comfortable asking. The booklet is part-science, part-comic, and 100% reassuring.

This is a time when children need to know that even in a world that can sometimes seem big and scary, most people are good, they can make a difference, and every single tiny act of kindness matters.

PDF copies of “A Kids’ Guide To The Coronavirus A. K. A. The Crown Bug” are available (for free!) in English, Spanish and Chinese at Sharon Mentyka’s website: http://www.sharonmentyka.com. Additional language versions are in the works, thanks to individual donors.

4Culture is looking to achieve the widest distribution possible for this resource in the county and state, to health facilities, community centers, libraries and schools as well as the general public. They would appreciate any help you can give towards that goal.

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