We’re thrilled to host THE FIVE KINDS OF NONFICTION: UNDERSTANDING THE CHILDREN’S PUBLISHING MARKET, a popular talk by prolific nonfiction author and blogger Melissa Stewart. While our chapter enjoys putting together a wide variety of in-person programming, sometimes it’s fun to offer a really great topic as a virtual event.

Reserve your spot now
Just click on this link: wwa.scbwi.org/events/five-kinds-of-nonfiction-webinar/
Webinars can often reach more people (more affordably, too) — located from here to there and everywhere. And attendees have the option of joining the event in real time and/or accessing the recording of it later, at their convenience.
What You’ll Learn
You’ve probably heard of narrative nonfiction, but did you know that there are four other kinds of nonfiction for children? And that studies show most kids enjoy reading them as much as or more than narrative titles? Stewart will break down the five categories of nonfiction, explain which categories are in greatest demand, and share info on agents and publishers who are most interested in each kind.
About Melissa Stewart
Melissa Stewart is the award-winning author of more than 180 science books for children. She maintains the blog Celebrate Science and serves on the SCBWI board of advisors. Learn more at www.melissa-stewart.com. Join us, won’t you? Settle in at your computer or in front of your handheld device. Enjoy a cuppa. And we’ll beam this terrific info straight to you. Be sure to reserve your spot now!
About the author of this post
Lisa L. Owens is the author of 100+ books for young readers and also edits books for all ages. She is SCBWI Western Washington’s nonfiction coordinator.