Turn your childhood memories into a book

You’ve got a lot of memories, here’s how to turn them into stories.

Tom Robbins said, “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.” Wendy Wahman is an author and illustrator who will help you see if he’s right! On Sunday, Oct. 20th, 2019, Wahman leads a presentation and workshop designed to tap childhood memories for stories, or for whatever reason you may wish. This blog recently interviewed Wahman about her techniques and inspirations: See the article about Wahman here.

King's Books in Tacoma WA
King’s Books in Tacoma

The event is from 2 – 4pm at King’s Books, 218 Helen’s Ave, Tacoma, WA. There is no charge for the event, it’s free to attend.

“If in the twilight of memory we should meet once more,we shall speak again together and you shall sing to me a deeper song.”– Khalil Gibran https://www.kingsbookstore.com/event/wendywahman

Wendy Wahman received a TAIP grant from the City of Tacoma for her graphic memoir, “Progress.” She is also the author/illustrator of “Don’t Lick the Dog,” “Pony in the City,” “Nanny Paws” and other books for children.

For more information about Wahman, visit www.wendywahman.com.

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