Star of Hope Children’s Centre is located in Bungoma County, Kenya. This organization provides a home for 30 vulnerable children who lost their parents to HIV/AIDS, armed conflict, abandonment, malaria or other disease. Star of Hope also provides an education and meals to more than 150 village children.

SCBWI-WWA member Dana Sullivan works with this organization and is asking community members to attend their annual fundraiser and / or donate a signed book to the Star of Hope School & Orphanage in rural Kenya.
“I’m collecting signed books by local kid lit authors/illustrators for a basket to auction,” said Sullivan. “If you can, please mail a book to me.” You can mail a signed book to the address below:
Dana Sullivan, 5015 Magnolia St, Port Townsend, WA 98368.
If you’d like to go to the event, the tenth annual fundraiser dance will be held on June 29, 2019. The event includes a live band, food, beverages, dance lessons, an auction… and a great view of the city. The cost is $50. Parking is free.

Details about Dancing With The Stars
Supports: Star of Hope Centre, Bungoma Kenya
Location: 656 Howe St. Seattle
Rock out to the music of Jukehouse Hounds.
Feast on the delicious pan-African-vibed food prepared by chef Mulu Abate, owner and chef of the acclaimed restaurant Lovage.
Doors open at 6:30
Dance Lesson 7:30 – 8:00 with Jodi Fleischman
Tickets at the door: $50 (no advance tix)
Free Parking in nearby lot
“Thanks to all you generous souls!” said Sullivan. Check out Star of Hope’s website for more about this amazing place and children: http://www.starofhopecentre.org