Washington State Book Awards Ceremony on Saturday, October 13th!

Here’s our plan for Saturday. It’s all free, and it’s all amazing!

9:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m: KISS (Keep It Simple, Silly) Art Show 

10:00 a.m.-noon: Savvy and smart Holt editor Tiffany Liao’s talk on Mirrors, Windows & Doors: Writing & Thinking Cross-Culturally

Noon-7 p.m.: Lunch, a little writing, some sketching, Saturday errands, and then back to the Seattle Central Library for the…

7:00-9:00 p.m.: Washington State Book Awards!

Come to the Washington State Book Awards THIS SATURDAY NIGHT and support another year of great books. We’ve got more than a few members that are finalists (see the whole list here), so come cheer them on! It’s inspiring, fun, and free. More details on Facebook.

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