Do you have a new book out Fall 2018 or Spring 2019? Our region is teaming up with the Inland Washington region to present an “Inside Story” sort of event at WLA in Yakima October 17-20. The date and time haven’t been communicated to us yet, but if you’re interested in being part of this event please e-mail Dori Butler, SCBWI-WWA PAL Coordinator at [email protected]. Include your name, book title, publisher, and pub date. We have limited slots available, so this is a first come, first served opportunity.
You must be a CURRENT SCBWI member at the PAL (published and listed) level and your profile on the SCBWI website must be updated to reflect this. And your publisher must be on SCBWI’s list of recognized (traditional) PAL publishers. Visit here to double check.