And the 2018-2019 SCBWI WWA Mentors are…

The 2nd Annual SCBWI Western Washington 
2018-2019 Mentorship Program

Designed to support the next generation
of writers, the mentorship program will match published authors with emerging
writers to answer questions and provide feedback and support over a period of
six months.
Interested in being mentored? You’ll
need a completed work-in-progress manuscript or portfolio, and a dedication to
the craft of writing and illustration.  Look out for the application
announcement in May. We will be posting more information soon.
application categories for this year are:
1. Middle-Grade
2. Young Adult
3. Picture Book Text
4. Picture Book Text and Illustration
5. Illustration Portfolio
6. Nonfiction
Here are the fabulous mentors for this
year’s program:

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