March 14, 7-9pm, Bellevue College – Objective Correlative with Laura Moe
Objective Correlative: What All Great Poems and Stories share
The objective correlative sets an adequate tale or poem apart from extraordinary one, where the personal becomes universal through the use of objects, setting, and other details to evoke an ineffable emotional response from the reader. It helps your readers fall in love with you.
In her presentation, Laura Moe will use classic and contemporary children’s literature to demonstrate how authors employ objective correlative. In addition, she will demonstrate how using the objective correlative can help authors amp up the writing at critical scenes to create emotional engagement, use detail to “show don’t tell,” and move the text from abstract to concrete.
Where: Bellevue College, Paccar Auditorium in Building N, Room 201. Building N is on Coal Creek Road near the South Entrance (corner of Coal Creek Road and Snoqualmie River Road). Parking is free after 5 pm except where noted by signs. Closest parking lots are Lot 13 and 14.