Our November meeting is coming up this Wednesday, November 8, 7-9pm, and
this month only the meeting will be held at Bellevue College N201.
Not sure where to go? Here’s a map, and there’s free parking (look for signs). Join us for Poetry Power with Sean Petrie & Critique Group 101 with Mark Maciejewski.
Poetry Power
Want to break through writer’s block? Add some panache to your prose? On-the-spot poetry does both! Discover how the process of creating instant poetry can help put words on the page, enliven your writing, and even generate new story ideas. Poetry can provide tools for overcoming writer’s block, boost writing confidence, enliven existing text, and produce new story ideas. Plus, it’s fun.
There will be vintage typewriters on hand, if you want to try it old-school style!
Critique Group 101
Join I Am Fartacus author Mark Maciejewski as he shares best practices for creating productive and lasting critique groups. He is a member of an intensive weekly critique group, The Papercuts, which he counts as a major factor in his writing success.