WWU Children’s Literature Conference and nErDcamp Bellingham registrations are open!

Register now for Western Washington University’s 15th Annual Children’s Literature Conference on February 24th. All the details for a fantastic day are here. Look at this faculty!

And consider making a weekend of it and staying Sunday for the 4th annual nErDcamp Bellingham, a day of learning and sharing with teachers, librarians, authors, and anyone else who is interested, will be on Sunday, February 25. This event is like a marriage between two incredible movements: Edcamp and #nerdybookclub.

Edcamps are “unconferences,” where the day’s sessions are determined on the day of the event, and taught or led by the attendees. They are always free, and draw a wide range of enthusiastic and focused learners.
#nerdybookclub is an online movement of passionate educators and book lovers. It is a celebration of books, reading, writing, readers, and writers.
Details and registration info here.

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