Novel Retreat with Janet Lee Carey and Katherine Grace Bond

Full-Bodied Novel Summer Writing Retreat
Hoping to take your writing to another level? Join Janet Lee Carey and Katherine Grace Bond for the Second Annual Full-Bodied Novel Retreat, July 21-23. Explore the writer’s mind-body connection in a peaceful, relaxing setting at St. Andrew’s House on Hood Canal. Authors Katherine and Janet invite you to explore your characters, plot, and setting using physical prompts, group interaction, and private reflection. Learn the practice of Deep Characterization and enter your story in a way you never thought possible. Katherine and Janet will offer one-on-one consultation on your manuscript. A professional massage therapist will provide a relaxing massage (included in retreat cost).
Earlybird discount: Use the code MAY12 to get $105 off when you register by May 12th.
Find more information here

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