Curtis Manley’s JUST RIGHT: SEARCHING FOR THE GOLDILOCKS PLANET, an exploration of the search for an Earth-like planet, with illustrations by Jessica Lanan, again to Emily Feinberg at Roaring Brook Press, by Ammi-Joan Paquette at Erin Murphy Literary Agency for the author and Edward Maxwell of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates (World). Publication Winter 2019
Submit your books to the Washington State Book Awards!
Did you have a book published in 2016? Make sure it was nominated for a 2017 Washington State Book Award! You can email the State Book Awards at [email protected] and ask if your title was received yet, and we’ll let you know. Publishers or authors can submit four copies of a book, along with the entry form, in one of these four categories for books for youth: Picture books, books for ages 6 to 8, books for ages 9 to 12, and young adult books.
The deadline isn’t until April 1 (for books published in 2016), but we would appreciate having entry forms for nominated titles and books in hand by February 10.
The Washington State Book Awards are administered by the Washington Center for the Book at the Seattle Public Library. SCBWI WWA member Linda Johns can answer any questions you have at [email protected].
THANKS! And get those books in!
Linda Johns
Librarian – Reader Services
The Seattle Public Library | ☎ 206.386.463
Currently reading: Malice by Keigo Higashino
Schedule note: I work Sunday through Thursday each week.
Announcing the SCBWI WWA Inclusivity ScholarshipTwo scholarships, awarded to one author and one illustrator, will cover the full cost to attend the April 8, 2017, day of programming at our Spring Conference. Applications are open now. Click here for details.
Call for PresentersAre you interested in presenting at one of our 2017-2018 Monthly Meetings? Click here for details and application.
Call for ArtistsSubmit your work for an amazing opportunity to showcase your work in a juried group show of WWA SCBWI illustrators at Aljoya Thornton Place. Deadline for submission is March 10, so get drawing.
Stay Informed With the Chinook UpdateClick the “Join Our Blog” button at the bottom of our homepage to get to the Chinook Update blog. Scroll down to the “Get the Chinook Update by e-mail” box on the left. Enter your email address, hit “submit” and you will start getting local and relevant kid-lit news, including reminders of our monthly meetings and other SCBWI-related events sent directly to your in box.
Thanks, see you Wednesday night! You won’t want to miss it!
Dana Arnim and Dana SullivanCo-Regional Advisors, SCBWI Western Washington
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Call for PresentersAre you interested in presenting at one of our 2017-2018 Monthly Meetings? Click here for details and application.
Call for ArtistsSubmit your work for an amazing opportunity to showcase your work in a juried group show of WWA SCBWI illustrators at Aljoya Thornton Place. Deadline for submission is March 10, so get drawing.
Stay Informed With the Chinook UpdateClick the “Join Our Blog” button at the bottom of our homepage to get to the Chinook Update blog. Scroll down to the “Get the Chinook Update by e-mail” box on the left. Enter your email address, hit “submit” and you will start getting local and relevant kid-lit news, including reminders of our monthly meetings and other SCBWI-related events sent directly to your in box.
Thanks, see you Wednesday night! You won’t want to miss it!
Dana Arnim and Dana SullivanCo-Regional Advisors, SCBWI Western Washington

Stay tuned for interviews of our conference faculty. First in the lineup is Patricia Hruby Powell, author or picture books, poetry, and middle grade – fiction and non fiction, and dancer and choreographer! Ohhh, I can’t wait myself to finally get the Skype with her.
That’s all for now,