Sign-up Today! KidLit Class with Deb Lund!!

Starting this Thursday!

A Kidlit Class with Deb Lund

Are you a seasoned author? Or wondering if writing for kids is for you? No matter where you are on the kidlit spectrum, these six weeks will provide you with accountability, critiques, mini-lessons, writing exercises, group discussions, a safe place for asking questions, and a lot of laughs and snacks. We will explore strategies for finding ideas, getting stories on the page, evaluating and revising your writing, and keeping your writing going.

And the best part is —it’s an easy island outing!

Grab a friend or three, carpool to Mukilteo, walk on the 12:00 Whidbey Island ferry, hop on the free northbound bus, arrive at Bayview Park & Ride at 12:30, and Deb will walk you across the street to Bayview Senior Center.

Here are the Particulars:

Thursdays 1:00-4:00
February 16, 23 & March 2, 9, 16, 23

Limited class size

Cost: $240

Register now! Information at

SCBWI members who register receive a free Fiction Magic: Card Tricks & Tips for Writers card deck and guidebook set, or a pair of dinobooks.

Deb Lund is an author, teacher, and a creativity coach who partners with people who want more joy and meaning in their lives. Her master’s project a few decades ago focused on teaching writing, and she has taught teachers and writers of all ages ever since. For more information, contact Deb at [email protected]

I tell ya, if I weren’t working my day gig, I’d be on the island with Deb learning and writing. So, go in my place and I can experience vicariously.

Happy Writing,


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