Northern Network Happenings

Looking for a roadtrip? Grab your friends, fill up the car, and head on up to the SCBWI- Northern Network Monthly Meeting. It’s THE place to be on February 1. Here are the deets:
I’ll Do it Myself!
Considering Self-Publishing
Have you ever wondered about self-publishing? Is it worth it? How much money would I have to lay out? How do I market my book? In this Brave New World of self-publishing, the answers may surprise you.
Come hear veteran writer Micky Neilson share his experience in bringing his novels to publication.

Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: The Bellingham Barnes & Noble (4099 Meridian Street)
Questions? Call Rebecca Van Slyke at (360) 354-5797, or email her at [email protected]. [That’s rebecca(underscore)vanslyke(at)hotmail(dot)com.]



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