What You Should Know About Copyright

The Library of Congress has started the process of filling the position of Register of Copyrights, formerly held by the much-admired Maria Pallante. Pallante was removed from office on October 21 by the new Librarian of Congress, Dr. Carla Hayden. In an unprecedented move, the Library is first seeking public input on the qualifications for the incoming Register of Copyrights and the issues the new Register should focus on.

The Author’s Guild is strongly encouraging writers and other creators to participate. The survey provides no background on what the responsibilities of the Register are or even what the Copyright Office does, but it’s important that the Library hear from us, as individual authors, on how the Register will best serve the independent creative community. Here is some background on the role and responsibilities of the Copyright Office

The online survey is available here, will be open to the public through January 31, 2017.

The Author’s Guild has also taken the liberty of composing a variety of sample responses, which you can find online at http://us10.campaign-archive2.com/?u=727ad03949c981c140a2bf125&id=4b954f9fc8&e=c4f927c2d5 . But keep in mind that a variety of responses, written in each author’s own words, is likely to be more persuasive than a series of identical responses.

Thank you, Joni Sensel, for passing on this very important information.



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