Munch Ado About Cookies – and Books!

Cookie Contest

Our annual Holiday Cookie Contest brings out the warrior in even our meekest authors and illustrators. This year we have two categories: Delicious and Beautiful.

The Rules:

* Make at least one dozen cookies – three cookies on a plate to be judged. The rest are for general scarfing.

* Label the plate with your name and the name of your cookie.

* Set them up before 6:30pm. You will be directed to the setup area.

* Contest closes at 6:45 pm, to give judges time to argue.

Winner will receive PRIZES. FAME. GLORY!

Book Exchange

* Bring up to five kid-lit books you no longer have room for.

* Take only as many books as you bring.

* Extra books will be donated to the appropriate-age children’s service.

Take a break from the hectic schedules that become all too crazy-busy this time of year. Enjoy some home-baked cookies, peruse books, mingle with your fellow creative peeps, and enjoy what will be an awesome program with our two guest speakers, J. Anderson Coats and Katherine Pryor.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Cookies and books (Set-up and enjoying) from 6:00 – 7:00.
Meeting from 7:00 -9:00
SPU Demeray Hall

See you there!


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