Northern Network of WWA SCBWI
The time is fleeting
Until our October meeting.
Until our October meeting.
So come learn with me
All about poetry!
All about poetry!
Okay, you’re right. That was TERRIBLE poetry. (No wonder publishers hate books written in rhyme.)
But do they really? Because there really are a lot of rhyming picture books, aren’t there?
But do they really? Because there really are a lot of rhyming picture books, aren’t there?
To rhyme, or not to rhyme. THAT is the question. We will examine what constitutes a successful (and UNsuccessful) rhyme. And if you have no desire to wax poetic, how can studying poetry strengthen your prose?
Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: The Bellingham Barnes & Noble (4099 Meridian Street)
Questions? Call Rebecca Van Slyke at (360) 354-5797, or email her at [email protected]. [That’s rebecca(underscore)vanslyke(at)hotmail(dot)com.]