Our Writing Contest Deadlines Are Approaching |
Summer is nearly coming to an end and the deadlines to submit to our New Voices and New V isions Awards are quickly approaching!
Our annual awards encourage writers of color to submit their work to a publisher that takes pride in nurturing new talent. As the number of diverse books increases, LEE & LOW BOOKS is dedicated to increasing the number of authors of color as well.
Keep reading for submissions guidelines and feel free to post, share, or print PDFs (links below) to help us spread the word about these great contests! |
LEE & LOW BOOKS Partners with First Book and NEA Foundation to Expand New Visions Award |
LEE & LOW BOOKS is pleased to announce an exciting new initiative with First Book and the NEA Foundation aimed at helping educators feel more confident broaching subjects related to race, ethnic and cultural diversity in the classroom. Together, LEE & LOW, First Book and the NEA Foundation will:
- publish more first time authors of color;
- bring more affordable multicultural paperbacks into the hands of low-income children; and
- provide best-in-class educator resources to lift up authentic voices, expand horizons and validate each child’s unique perspective and experience through literature.
Through the generosity of the NEA Foundation, LEE & LOW BOOKS will award a second NEW VISIONS AWARD WINNER for the 2017 contest. The NEA Foundation will sponsor the cost of publication of this winning title. LEE & LOW BOOKS will publish a special paperback edition of the book that will be exclusively available to educators and program leaders serving children in need through the First Book Marketplace.
Due to the NEA Foundation and First Book partnership, New Visions finalists will be notified and full manuscripts requested no later than November 30, 2016. If your full manuscript is requested, it must be received by TU BOOKS by December 15, 2016. You can view the updated New Visions submission guidelines here.
Eager to learn more about First Book Marketplace? Visit their website here.
New Voices Award: Picture Book Manuscripts |
The New Voices Award is given for a children’s picture book manuscript by a new writer of color. Past New Voices Award submissions we have published include Bird, an ALA Notable Children’s Book; It Jes’ Happened: When Bill Traylor Started to Draw, winner of the Ezra Jack Keats New Writer Award Honor; and Juna’s Jar, winner of the Asian/Pacific American Award for Literature.
- The contest is open to writers of color who are residents of the United States, 18 years or older at the time of entry, and who have not previously had a children’s picture book published.
- Writers who have published work in other venues and genres, including children’s magazines, young adult, and adult fiction or nonfiction, are eligible. Only unagented submissions will be accepted.
- Work that has been published in any format, including online and self published, is not eligible.
- Manuscripts previously submitted for this award or to LEE & LOW BOOKS will not be considered.
Prize: The Award winner receives a cash prize of $1000 and our standard publication contract, including our basic advance and royalties for a first time author. An Honor Award winner will receive a cash prize of $500.
Deadline: September 30, 2016
Help us spread the word! Download a printable PDF of the submissions guidelines to share with writers who may be interested.
New Visions Award: Middle Grade and Young Adult Manuscripts |
The New Visions Award is given for a middle grade or young adult novel by a writer of color. Winning New Visions Award submissions include the YA novel Ink and Ashes, recipient of an honor citation from the Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association Award for Literature and The Amaterasu Project, due for publication in 2017.
- The contest is open to writers of color who are residents of the United States, 18 years of age or older at the time of entry, and who have not previously had a middle grade or young adult novel published.
- Writers who have published work in other venues such as children’s magazines or picture books, or adult fiction or nonfiction, are eligible. Only unagented manuscripts will be accepted.
- Work that has been published in its entirety in any format (including online and self publishing as well as other countries) is not eligible.
- Manuscripts previously submitted for this award or to TU BOOKS will not be considered.
Prize: The Award winner receives a cash prize of $1000 and our standard publication contract, including our basic advance and royalties for a first time author. An Honor Award winner will receive a cash prize of $500.
Deadline: October 31, 2016
Help us spread the word! Download a printable PDF of the submissions guidelines to share with writers who may be interested.
Writing Tips and Contemplation |
- Past New Voices entrants G. Neri, Debbie Taylor, and LaTisha Redding share their path to publication in this blog post even though they did not win the New Voices Award.
- Three New Visions Award finalists, Alex Brown, Hilda Burgos, and Elizabeth Stephens, share their writing journey here.
- Here’s an interview with the 2013 New Voices Award winner, author Sylvia Liu, on how she prepared her winning story, A Morning with Grandpa.
- New Voices Award Winner Patricia Smith and New Voices Award Honor Hayan Charara share their experiences with shaping voice here.
- New Voices Award Winners Linda Boyden and Jennifer Torres show us their revision process in this blog post.