WLMA wants you! (And so do we.) We still have space for authors in the “Behind the Books” session SCBWI WWA will be co-hosting for middle-school and high school teachers and librarians at the Washington Library Association’s October 15, 2016, conference. If your book was published by a PAL publisher this year — or is still to come in 2016 — and works for readers in sixth grade or up, please consider joining us for a fun, easy way to help raise your book’s visibility among these book lovers (and library purchasing influencers).
It’s okay if your title works for younger readers, too; this particular session is simply targeted to those who don’t have picture books or chapter books on their minds… including those who work with “high/low” readers, who need heftier books but with easier reading levels.
Learn all the details here.
Then sign up here right away!