sure your membership is up to date!

We want
to make sure our communications go to
member in Western Washington. If you did
receive an email from us yesterday, it’s a good time to check on your SCBWI
International membership status. If you’re already a member, your membership
remains active for one year from the time you joined or last renewed. Not only
does a membership give you a discount on SCBWI WWA events, including the
Monthly Programming Passport, there are many other benefits too:

  • Assistance in finding or
    forming a critique group
  • Free participation in
    Inside Story, our twice-yearly salon to celebrate local authors’ and illustrators’
    new books (for P.A. L. members only)
  • Inclusion in the SCBWI
    International speaker directory (for P.A.L. members only)
  • The ability to submit news
    and events to our region’s blog, The Chinook Update
  • Member discounts and
    special offers from SCBWI International as well as SCBWI Western
  • Subscription to the Bulletin
  • Access to awards and
    grants, online resources, and insider publications

Membership in the
SCBWI is open to anyone with an active interest in children’s literature or
media. A passion for children’s literature is the #1 criterion. Dues are $95
for the first year and $80 each renewing year.

How to check your status? The quickest and
easiest way to check your status is to login at You’ll be directed
to your Member Home page where you can check your status under the membership
tab as well as update your profile or contact information. Click Renew Now on
the left sidebar if you need to renew your membership. You will be prompted to
renew with credit card information, and you’ll receive a confirmation when it
is accepted. If you have edited your billing address for the credit card, your
mailing address will not be disturbed.

You are
automatically on the list for the SCBWI WWA chapter which
matches your mailing address, and you can go to for our local chapter

How to login to  Your login ID is your email address.  If you’re unsure of your Password, click
“Forgot password?” and a message will be emailed to you with your login
information. If you have any trouble logging in, please email
[email protected].

Renewal by mail or phone is also possible if
you’d prefer – just send a letter with a check of US$95 (to join) or US$80 (to
renew) to the address:  SCBWI – Society
of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators
| 8271 Beverly Blvd. | Los Angeles | CA | 90048,  or call
at 323-782-1010 Pacific Time at any time.

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