Calling All Writers Who Teach

Help The Charlie Browns in the Sno-Isle Communities

Jackie Parker, Lead Librarian for Readers’ Services is soliciting proposals for a series of workshops, classes, lectures, and presentations called Write Now: Write, Revise, Publish, and Find an Audience. Proposals covering any step of the writing and publishing process from any perspective (traditional publishing, indie/self-publishing, fiction, non-fiction, author, agent, bookseller, marketing, etc.) will be considered. The strongest proposals will be included in a course list that 21 community libraries can select to book at their locations. Selected proposals will include clearly measurable learning outcomes that will be measured in a post-event survey.

Sno-Isle is hoping to sponsor between 15-20 sessions between October and December 2016. If successful, Sno-Isle will continue to offer the Write Now series through 2017.
Proposals will ONLY be accepted through the Request for Proposals form. Proposals for fall sessions are due July 20. Sessions should range between one and four hours. If you are interested in offering a longer session or if you have any additional questions, please contact me.
For additional information, please see the attached instructions and peruse the RFP. Please feel free to share this request with your colleagues.
We look forward to working with you! 
Thank you,
Jackie Parker, MLIS
Lead Librarian for Readers’ Services

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