Passing of the Torch

It’s Official!
This week Emily and I met for lunch in downtown Bellevue so that she could officially and with great splendor, pass the torch of Chinook Update Editor to me.
Oh, but wait! If you look very closely you will notice, as I did, that the “torch” is not aflame. “Should I be worried?” I asked.
Emily laughed and said, “Absolutely not!” With perhaps just a tad too much gusto.
Again I asked, “should I be worried?”
But alas, by the time we had finished our respective lunches, Emily had exhausted her notes on bright yellow post-its, and I had scribbled exhaustively in my brand new, three subject, college-ruled notebook, I was feeling, well, ready to take the torch, lit or not.
Emily, thank you for your patience in teaching me all the nuances of the job and your genuine willingness to always be available while I get up and running as the new Chinook Update Editor. Also, thanks to everyone on AdCom for welcoming me into this new role with excitement and confidence. I’m thrilled to be a member of a wonderful community of writers and illustrators for children.

2 thoughts on “Passing of the Torch

  1. Hi Kathleen

    Congrats!! Fun to see the post of Emily "passing the torch" !

    One quick note: The Secret Garden announcement for June 8 — the title reads "Grayling's Secret" Karen Cushman's title is Grayling's Song.

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