Reminder: Monthly meeting WEDNESDAY!

Mini Session: Marketing Your Self-Published Work with G.G. Silverman.
G.G.’s self-published YA novel, VEGAN TEENAGE ZOMBIE HUNTRESS, became a
Kindle Top 10 Bestseller in the Humorous Teen Books category and was
also featured on Amazon’s list of “Hot New Releases.” An active blogger (
and savvy online presence, G.G. is readying a short story collection
for self-publication, which you can be sure will showcase her love of
all things horror and her sharp wit.

Main Session: Holman Wang presents The Making of “Star Wars, Epic
Yarns.” Come and learn how Holman and Jack Wang spent 12 months creating
the most labor-intensive board books in history! (And how they got the
rights from Lucasfilm Limited.) Check out their work at

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