Call for artists

We have a call to artists for several installations at our new library
on Camano Island, and one of them is for the children’s room with a
budget up to $12,500. Apparently, we’ve only received one submission. It
seems to me that it would be relevant to SCBWI
artists. It looks like we’d prefer something three-dimensional, but
perhaps some SCBWI illustrators also work in that format, or might be
interested in submitting something else anyway. Could either of you pass
this along to SCBWI, if it hasn’t gone through
the group already – or let me know whom I should contact if you think
that would be the better approach.  The deadline for proposals is Jan.
29, more info at the link below.





Jackie Parker

Lead Librarian for Readers’ Services

Sno-Isle Libraries

425-778-2148 x 3036

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