Check out SCBWI’s new Book Launch Party!
2015, purchase a page for a fee of $25. If you’d like SCBWI to design it (rather than using their easy templates), you pay a larger fee of $100. By
the end of this week, SCBWI will have a video up on their site that
walks members through the process of designing their page.
The skinny: You
have approximately one month to design your page before the Launch Party’s page birthday on December 1. We’re digging for more information, such as how long the pages will stay live. For any questions or clarifications in the meantime, you can call the national SCBWI office (323-782-1010) and ask
for Sarah or Kayla.
The bottom line(s): Launch Party Day is December 1, 2015. SCBWI
asks that everyone who is participating Tweet (#SCBWIBLP) and Facebook about it. Of course, you can always link your launch page in any social media. They’d like December 1 to be a Red Letter Day
in the children’s book industry, with a ton of traffic heading to our
Launch Party site. So please let us help other members and book industry people know.