Lois Harris class

WHAT: Lois V. Harris’ class,“Writing for Children: Preparing for a Successful Submission” 
WHEN: October 8
and October 15, 6:30PM to 8PM
WHERE: Mount Vernon campus, cost: $49
HOW: Register for 6096 CENGL 056 by calling Skagit Valley College,
you have a rough draft of a fiction or nonfiction manuscript? Improve,
polish, and revise it for submission. Topics covered are self-editing
tips, the correct format, etc., researching and choosing the right
magazine or book publisher for your work, keeping track of submissions,
and understanding rejections. You will learn how to write an effective
cover and query letter for fiction and nonfiction, and a nonfiction
proposal. Sample letters will be provided. Share your letters or
proposal with other classmates and receive feedback.
Best wishes,
Lois V. Harris

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