Summer Conference Blues?

If you, like me, didn’t make it down to Los Angeles this weekend for the blockbuster conference to end all blockbuster conferences, take heart: There’s always next year! 
You may well ask, Why such a freakishly positive attitude as I sulk, scrolling through the Facebook reunions in the gorgeous Hyatt lobby and sigh through swimming eyes at friends rubbing elbows with Caldecott winners and keynote speakers?
Well, after my pity party died down, I remembered: The Official Conference Blog!
Yes, you heard me. There was a small and stellar army of fingers typing throughout this past weekend and they will let me attend, albeit late, vicariously. Whew! I am not going to completely miss out on everything. If you, like me, don’t want to be the wallflower as your friends who attended yak about what a fantastic time was had by everyone BUT YOU, then do as I am about to do: click HERE
In closing: Stay-at-homes: May the rest of your summer be brighter than this weekend. 
Attendees: Glad you made it home safely. Try to keep those grins in check, okay? 
This has been a public-service announcement on behalf on Those Who Stayed Behind. Thank you for your attention, and your compassion.

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