Northern Network Meeting of SCBWI
May Topic: Whose Life is it, Anyways? Examining Biographies
are the perfect blend of narrative and nonfiction. We’ll be examining
some examples written for children to see what makes a powerful life
story. Whether you write fiction or non-fiction, novels or picture
books, biographies may be the genre you’ve never thought about writing
but just might be right for you!
are the perfect blend of narrative and nonfiction. We’ll be examining
some examples written for children to see what makes a powerful life
story. Whether you write fiction or non-fiction, novels or picture
books, biographies may be the genre you’ve never thought about writing
but just might be right for you!
Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Time: 7pm
Location: Bellingham Barnes & Noble (4099 Meridian Street)
Call Rebecca Van Slyke at (360) 354-5797, or email her at
[email protected]. [That’s
Call Rebecca Van Slyke at (360) 354-5797, or email her at
[email protected]. [That’s