Flim feedback wanted!

Our February meeting presentation of the documentary, At-Risk Summer, has three screenings at film festivals during the month of April––one being the prestigious Sarasota Film Festival. We anticipate

this will give us more clarity on when the film will be available for wider distribution.
Fingers crossed it will be sometime in the Summer of 2015!
Any SCBWI members of or February meeting attendees who saw the film and feel compelled to 
share their experience and comments about it via email will only help in the promotion of this film. Please use the following email address to give your feedback:
Send all comments directly to Carrie Gordon Watson: [email protected]
Also: The prompt seen in the film is now the first broad step to reach youth as a nonprofit organization. If Someone Only Knew is a now a challenge Charlton-Trujillo and Never Counted Out have created in the wake of teen suicides and bullying in America. Visit the page for
additional information. 
Thank you for participating, and for helping get the word about this important film out so that many more people can learn about and from it!

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