Conference reason Number Five!

Conference reason Number Five!

Number Five: The tables aren’t square

[WARNING: Bad Joke Ahead!]

Because they’re ROUND!! Get it? Our conference features our most popular add-on, the Roundtable Critique Session. Last year, folks who were too late to sign up for the Roundtables stood outside the conference rooms, hoping for an empty chair at the not-square tables. But we sold out so fast, and our waiting list was so deep, we had to turn people away. It wasn’t pretty. This year, we wanted everyone and then some to have a chance to experience this amazing event, so we added MORE. This year’s conference will feature Roundtables––led by VIP faculty guests and local luminaries––on both Friday and Sunday. You’ll be getting direct feedback from industry experts. Your work will benefit. You will emerge on the other side with a new confidence, and an excitement about your craft. Sometimes, it isn’t hip to be square (oops, I did it again!), so sign up for a Roundtable Session, coming soon to a Redmond Marriott near you!

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