Sharon Mentyka’s book launch

 Join local author Sharon Mentyka and illustrator Stephen Schlott on Friday, March 13, 7–9pm  at Secret Garden Books, in
Ballard for the book party and launch for B IN THE WORLD, a chapter
book for kids ages 5 and up and the people who love them, that takes an
open-hearted, kids-eyed view of what it means to be “different” and
celebrates children for who they are meant to be, not how others want to
label them. 
tells the story of B, who “wasn’t really sure why one day
he felt like wearing overalls and a flannel shirt, and the next day woke
up wishing he could dress like his sister Patti-Anne.” 
The book is
intended for both children and families who may have personal
experience with gender non-conforming children but is also appropriate
for all families interested in teaching tolerance and broadening their
understanding of gender diversity.
Kids are welcome! There will be dress-up activities and cupcakes! More information is available at the book’s 

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