Mandy Hubbard, double-threat: Published author AND literary agent! |
Literary agent Mandy Hubbard joined D4EO Literary in February 2010, specializing in
YA and MG fiction. Her clients include Cindy Callaghan (Lost in London, 2013, Aladdin Mix), Joy Hensley (Rites of Passage, Harper, 2014), and Jessica Martinez (Kiss Kill Vanish,
Harper, 2014). Mandy signed local author Kelly Jones after critiquing her
work during a roundtable critique session at Western Washington’s SCBWI conference in
2013, and that novel, Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer, is forthcoming from Knopf in 2015. She’s also the author of 11 YA novels, including Prada & Prejudice and Fool Me Twice.
Twitter: @MandyHubbard
Blog: ; author/agent blog
Interviews: Literary Rambles; teens can write too
Mandy’s conference schedule:
Roundtable Critique Sessions for Writers