Apply for a 4Culture Project Grant

4Culture grants to individuals are currently open for submission. 

4Culture is the cultural arts organization for King County and their
grants benefit King County residents. For creative artists and
heritage-related projects by individuals, money for Art Projects and Heritage Projects is
available. Both grants require a project proposal and other submission
materials.Though these annual programs are competitive, staff workshops
help prospective applicants craft compelling applications. SCBWI writers
and illustrators living in King County are eligible and we urge you to
apply for support of specific projects you may have underway, need to
research or are in development. 


Image credit: Garreth Schuh, Absolution Muckup, Oil on Plywood, 32”x40” © 2013 
Courtesy of No Boundaries 2014: Peripheral Visions Project Director, Shariana Mundi

Check out the 4Culture website for
details and a workshop schedule. Click through to the program page. Look at who has been funded in the past, attend a workshop, and apply! 

The Heritage Projects
deadline: February 25, 2015

The Art Projects deadline: March 4, 2015

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