Conference attendance (and revision) pay off!

Member Sara Nickerson has good news to share: her middle-grade novel has sold to editor Julie Strauss-Gabel at Dutton Books for Summer 2015 publication. THE SECRETS OF BLUEBERRIES (IN SPECTACULAR 3-D) revolves around 12 year-old Missy who, when asked to be maid of honor in her father’s wedding, devises a plan to ruin his big day. Agent Liza Pulitzer Voges at Eden Street brokered the deal.

Sara gave us the backstory, saying, “2011 was my first LA Conference. I signed up for a critique and was lucky to be paired with Julie. Her notes were spot-on and helped shape the revision of this story. It wasn’t an instant deal, but following up on that connection two years later is what led to this contract.”

Congratulations, Sara!

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