Bringing the conference to YOU

Even if you aren’t able to make the conference this weekend, you can follow along and learn from the comfort and serenity of your very own domicile.

Here’s how:

1. All weekend long, your intrepid SCBWI WWA Advisory Committee and Blog Team will be sending updates and pithy observations via Twitter: check in and out of our conference at #scbwiwwa14. Our goal is to trend like nobody’s business!

2. All photographs of the conference taken at the conference that don’t appear on the blog or the aforesaid Twitter thread, can be viewed at our flickr account. So stop in and browse and see who you know, and comment!

3. Read books by our visiting authors/illustrators, or peruse the client list of our agents/editors. You’ll see into some pretty facile minds, and will no doubt find multiple moments of inspiration. For the complete list, click here.

4. Check out the Chinook Update blog for a more in-depth perspective of various panels and keynotes and master classes throughout the weekend. We have many hands on deck to make sure we can pass along some fun and useful information.

So, wherever you are this coming weekend, we’re here for you! Check out all the happenings and know that we’re typing our little pinkies to the bone so you can be part of the action.

NOTE: We will begin our updates/tweets/etc. by Saturday afternoon during and following our first master-class sessions, and not before. Stay tuned!

2 thoughts on “Bringing the conference to YOU

  1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to the conference. Could you please add the link to #3 — books to read?

  2. Hi Carol – there's not a single list; we figure you can do some of the homework yourself. That said, if you search the blog here for posts with the 2014 conference or conference faculty tags, you'll find a post for each faculty member, and every one includes references to some of that faculty member's written, illustrated, agented, or edited titles; that'd be the foundation of a good booklist. Hope that helps!

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