Ed publisher call for submissions

SCBWI WWA ex pat Chris Eboch, now in New Mexico, sends along this opportunity with Susan Tierney, now acquisitions editor at Schoolwide, an educational publisher of reading, writing, and grammar curriculum products. They’re looking for submissions of books, stories, and articles for which the author holds rights and that support K-8 reading and writing for a digital classroom library. They’re interested in practically any fiction or nonfiction except preK and older YA, and they’ll accept (1) previously published materials for which the
author holds rights or (2)
completed manuscripts of original, unpublished work.

Email only to [email protected], with author contact information;
website address, if any; title of the work; word or page count; targeted age/grade level; and a brief synopsis or outline in the message body. For previously published works, indicate the publisher, date of publication, and if
applicable, whether an illustrator holds rights to the artwork. Attach the completed work (Microsoft Word only) and a résumé or list of writing credits. Indicate if the submission is unpublished, self-published, or previously published, and if so, by whom. Place “Manuscript Submission, SCBWI” in the subject line.

They’ll pay a royalty based on the number of times a title is accessed, and they’ll respond in six months, if interested. Chris notes that out-of-print works will get the first look, under the assumption that they will need less editing.

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