Don’t miss your chance to vote for SCBWI’s peer awards, the Crystal Kites. First-round voting will be open two weeks only, through 5:00 p.m. on April 14.
Go here to log in as a member first, if you’re not already logged in. Then you can hit the link above or get there by clicking Awards & Grants on the menu and then Crystal Kite Award. Choose your favorite book of 2013 from the list. You’re welcome to remind member friends about voting on social media, too. (But those of you with nominated books, remember that you’re not allowed to lobby for a specific title.) Yay for so many great books from our region last year!
NOTE: It takes several web pages to display all the books; be sure you click through the whole list before voting. You can also change the sort so they’re displayed alphabetically by author’s name instead of by title.