Where the wild books are

Attention, YA writers, bloggers, and teen-reading enthusiasts!

The 6th annual Operation Teen Book Drop/Rock the Drop
celebration in honor of YALSA’s (Young Adult Library Services Association) Support Teen Lit Day is coming up on April 17.

Here’s the deal: Writers, librarians, educators, readers, and other
bookish people are encouraged to “drop” a YA novel somewhere in the wild for a lucky
reader to discover and enjoy, then tweet about it with the hashtag
#rockthedrop to keep the enthusiasm going.

In honor
of the seventh anniversary of the founding of readergirlz, we’ve teamed
with Justine Magazine and I Heart Daily in directing participants to
seven worthy literacy philanthropies that would benefit from a donation
in honor of Support Teen Lit Day.

How can you participate?

1. Check out http://readergirlz.blogspot.com/p/operation-teen-book-drop.html to snag a banner and bookplate you can use to help spread the word. (Please note that the previous years’ banners are up on the blog, so make sure the date reads 2014!)

2. Visit our Facebook page to add any favorite literacy philanthropies of your own.

3. On April 17, visit the readergirlz blog, download an adorable 2014 bookplate, and stick it in the YA book/s of your choice.

4. “Drop” the book/s someplace public for some lucky reader to find!

5. Snap
a picture of your book/s in the wild, and tweet or post to our Facebook
page with the hashtag #rockthedrop (and we’re always on the lookout for
any dropped books found by others).

It’s fun! It’s sneaky! It’s putting great reads into the hands of unsuspecting readers, who could be changed from the experience with a story or a character! It’s what reading is all about: spreading those words far and wide!

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