Kid Lit panda-monium TOMORROW

Join in for thrills and spills (hey, not on my nice clothes!) and
maybe a dirty limerick or two, when the provincial panda shows up in the
big city for her art opening!  Come to Anne Belov‘s two-person art show (with Jennifer Frohwerk) and reception first, from 1:30–3:30pm at nearby Ida Culver House (2315 NE 65th, between 25th and 23rd NE––free food and wine!) and then adjourn to the  Pub at Third Place Books Ravenna (6504 20th Ave NE). Or, heck, just show up at the pub! 


“Kid-lit Afternoon” sounded like a bad Quentin Tarantino
movie, so maybe we can convene at the pub at about 7pm. As Anne says, “The pandas
are standing by!” 

Kid lit drinks night! Huzzah!

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