Want a story-filled weekend?

Join member Wendy Wahman at “What’s Your Story,” a free event this Saturday, January 15, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the EX3 Teen Center in Sammamish.

She says, “This could be fun for families, interviewing each other and writing down memories. The event is geared towards teens and people over 55, but really, anyone over 7 is welcome. There will be writing groups led by authors, and a life stories coach will be available to talk to, too. My group will be making a Book-of-the-Day. What’s that? Making one is therapeutic and creative. It stirs up introspection and expression. It heightens inner and outer awareness, calms and centers you. You draw from your dreams (real or imagined), experiences and memories. And when you are done, you hold a book in your hands. Your book of the day.”

Get more information at  [email protected]

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