Dana does dummies!

Art by––who else?––Dana Sullivan
How are YOU planning to shake off last year’s cobwebs?
By signing up for Dana Sullivan’s dazzling class, Picture
books for Dummies! 
(As in, MAKE a dummy, not BE a dummy. Just to clarify. Ahem.) 
If, like many of us, your New Year’s
resolution is to finally make that nebulous book idea into a real book
dummy, this is the class for you. Dana will march/goad/cajole/limerick you step by step through the
process. From character development to story, right up to holding your very own dummy,
ready for submission, in your creative hands!* 
Join Dana Sullivan, writer and illustrator of
Ozzie and the Art Contest and illustrator of the Digger and Daisy series,
for this intensive Dummy Boot Camp, which will focus on playful doodling,
storyboarding, inside stories of the publishing world, and just having some serious fun. This is the
perfect class for beginning illustrators AND writers looking for a new
perspective on their work.
Click on the links for registration and all those good (and we mean delicious!) details:

Questions for the man? Email Dana directly. He’ll know what to tell you. And responds quickly

*actual results may vary. You’ve gotta put in the work!

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