Meet the artist #21

Okay, maybe you blew it. Maybe you missed our awesome Winter Celebration. Fear not! Whether you joined the fun or not, you can still see the art through Jan. 8, and you can still read our mini-profiles of many featured SCBWI WWA artists. Or check them ALL out online here.

Robyn Chance 

Why did you choose to submit this piece of art?

I submitted five illustrations for consideration. The piece that was chosen, “A Tender Moment,” is from my new project Animal Stories. I submitted this because it seems to really move people, and it invites the viewer into a touching story without the use of words. It is one of my favorite pieces.

What does being part of SCBWI mean to you?
Being a member of SCWBI has been a fantastic experience for myriad
reasons. I have learned a great deal about the art of storytelling,
marketing, and perseverance. I have also formed some great relationships
and have been given the opportunity to get my work out there. I
constantly encourage people who are interested in writing and creating
art for young readers to join up. It is soooo worth it!

What is your favorite picture book from childhood?
I loved a story called The Cookie Tree about  a tree that shows up in a medieval town and begins growing delicious cookies. Nobody knows why.
They are all suspicious and have a bunch of meetings to discuss what
should be done with the tree. The children, in the meantime, go out and
begin eating and collecting the glorious cookies. After the children
have gratefully enjoyed the tree’s offerings, it disappears. The adults
aren’t sure what happened, but the children are.
I also loved Mike
Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
, Where the Wild Things Are, Chicken Soup
with Rice,
and Bread and Jam for Frances. (There is obviously a food
theme going on here!)

Fun fact: Robyn signs her work with a chop. Learn more, and see more
images, on STQRY here.

*excluding only those lazy bones or privacy freaks who don’t answer our email questions, of course. We love them anyway.

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