C is for COOKIE…

 …that’s good enough for me!

Gourmet.com throws down the gauntlet!

 To all those who have commenced with the pre-holiday meeting salivation––
The answer is, YES! There will be cookies. Potentially many, many cookies. But this will depend on you. At this year’s holiday meeting/party/gathering/celebration/art exhibit/good news on December 12 (and you’ve all registered, right? good!)
There will be three categories of judging
  1. BDC (best damn cookie)
  2. DAM (delicious artistic masterpiece)

  3. SGF (scrumptious gluten free)
Contestants should have a sign with:
  1. Name of the cookie
  2. list allergen ingredients if present: dairy, eggs, nuts, or gluten/wheat
  3. Baker’s name
  4. optional: recipe on an index card, in case it’s requested
Entries need to be submitted by 7pm, and winners will be announced around 8pm. Prizes for each category!!!

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