Discover our now-famous illustrators on STQRY!

As part of the shindiggity fun around our first-ever public Illustrator’s Exhibit now on public display at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle, event coordinator and futurist Tina Hoggatt has introduced us to a spiffy way to check out the participating artists and their work online. It’s at STQRY, which is… a new thingy. Go see for yourself, and click on the 67, which just *happens* to be the number of illustrators who participated in the exhibit. Coincidence? I think not.

In fact, each artist has a “story” page where you can see a sample of his or her work, read the artists’ statements or bio information, and click through to their own websites for more arty goodness. Slick! (And thanks for all the hard work to build it, Tina!)

This doesn’t mean, of course, that you shouldn’t still plan to attend our December holiday event at the Convention Center from 6 – 9 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 12, to see the art, and many of the artists, in person. (Not to mention catch up with friends, hear more about 2014 events in the works, and ring in the approaching year.) Register here and now. It’ll be a fest-abulous celebration!

In the meantime, you can check out the exhibit any time. One of only four curated exhibits in 2013, the artwork will remain on view through January 8, 2014.

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