Great national kicker-offer!

SCBWI Western Washington’s Fall 2013 Inside Story happened Sunday evening, and what a great night! Mockingbird Books at Greenlake was a fabulous venue, and its booksellers fabulous hosts for a standing room only crowd. Coordinator Deb Lund owned the place behind the microphone and kept the ravening librarians in line, at least until they swarmed downstairs to buy loads of books and swill wine.

Before then, though, award-winning member Laura Kvasnosky gave the crowd the Inside Story on the Inside Story, explaining some of the event’s origins and history — very timely given that our event has now gone international, with other SCBWI regions participating. Rumor has it the inaugural Inside Story in Massachusetts was so successful, that region hopes to make it an annual event. (And just think, we get to do it TWICE a year!)

Thanks to all who helped with this, past and present. It might’ve been member Kathryn Galbraith who noted that the Inside Story is the most joyous event we hold. And she’s right!

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